The Road to Change

Tuesday June 30, 2020

Over the last month we’ve taken the time to reflect on how to unlearn, relearn and move forward from our past mistakes. It is in times of adversity that we have our biggest growth, and we believe now is the time to lean into our values and prove our commitment to advance racial justice and work towards creating an anti-racist future. 

One of our core values is we own our mistakes and learn from them. We believe in trying and failing, and that learning from those failures is better than not trying at all. 

We still don’t have all the answers, but we’re holding ourselves accountable and want to share the next steps we are taking as an organization: 

  1. Refining our Belonging Commitment, which requires a signature from all employees upon hire, is being updated to include anti-racism statements in addition to non-discrimination of any kind. We use this commitment as a chance to open up dialogue and ensure those joining team Righteous are aligned in creating a space of safety within our four walls. 
  2. Semi-annual diversity and inclusion training will now become mandatory for all team members including our executive leadership, middle management and new hires.
  3. Amplifying Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) in everything we do including targeted leadership succession planning, mentoring, hiring and promotion of BIPOC employees to senior leadership, representation in our marketing, partnerships and our contractor relationships by prioritizing inclusive collaborations with members in these communities. 

As we continue to do this very important work towards change, we know this is just the beginning and that lasting change takes time and a concentrated effort to build. If you are curious to learn more, ask questions or provide suggestions and resources please reach us at . 

We’re listening. 

Team Righteous 


  • 100% of proceeds from our online June sales have been made to Action Dignity, Sankofa Arts & Music Foundation and Black Health Alliance. (2020)
  • Intentional Allyship discussions have been held with our team, led by an external third-party. (2020)
  • Mandatory semi-annual diversity training has been hosted & booked on a recurring basis with a third-party facilitator, for all team members. (2021)
  • Quarterly sessions are being hosted for all team members that educate on the history and allyship for a variety of underrepresented groups. (2021)
  • Blind hiring has been implemented for roles across all levels of the organization. (2021)
  • Employees are engaged for monthly feedback on the diversity climate within the organization. (2020 & 2021)
  • A self-identification survey has been rolled out to all team members to help us better understand areas for improvement. (2021)
  • An annual diversity, equity and inclusion road map has been established and launched with internal benchmarks and growth opportunities. (2021)
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